Saturday, July 27, 2002

While preparing the pictures of our skeleton mascot, Zappagirl and I just had one of those moments where we time-share the same brain. One of the pictures features the bony guy in a fabulous pink evening gown, and as she was titling the picture ("deadguyevening.jpg"), we both recited the line from the 1985 Russian Fashion Show commercial for Wendy's.

"Evening wear! Very nice!"

Of course, this has been a running joke in my family for years. One of my uncles has a tendency to pick up a few catch phrases from popular culture and work them into his own repertoire. He very seldom retires the catch phrases. He's still using the "...and don't call me Shirley" line from Airplane!. It's kind of goofy, but very endearing.

And then again, I still quote Airplane! myself quite frequently. Hell, even GeekMan (in his former incarnation as Crew), quoted it when he shortened my alias to Myo.

What can I make of this? Why, I can make a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl....

Skeleton pictures coming soon, I swear. We need to email them to Timmy, so he can post them and send us the link. Patience, grasshopper, patience.

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