Saturday, July 27, 2002

Man, I swore I wasn't going to post this, but I just gotta do it...


It's goofy as hell, and the squirrel cracks me up for some reason. The only problem is the song has a tendency to get stuck in my head, and I find myself quietly singing "Gonads and strife, gonads and strife..." to myself in inappropriate places like the supermarket. I also sing it whenever the Geico Insurance commercial with the high-fiving squirrels comes on.

But then again, I have a tendency to sing inappropriate songs in inappropriate places a lot. When I went to the store earlier, I was singing along to "Fired" on Ben Fold's Rockin' the Suburbs while I was looking for a parking space, and when it got to the end of the song where he throws in a stylized harmonic "Motherfucker" just because he can, I realized I was driving past an elderly gentleman walking into Kroger's. My window was down, and I had the stereo turned up pretty loud.

Yeah, I'm a classy babe.

And with this post, we have just reached the halfway mark of Blogathon! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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