Saturday, July 27, 2002

I just checked my page and noticed that all of my posts are progressively indenting by one or two spaces the further down the page I go. Hopefully this won't pose a problem. I'd hate to think that somewhere around 10:00 tonight my first posts will just be one word per line. But then again, Blogger's been doing some odd stuff lately. All of my posts on the clipboard are showing up in a different time zone - my last post is showing with a time of 3:15 pm. Ha. Don't I wish it was 3:15.

I suppose now would be a good time to thank my sponsors... major props to Zappagirl, Mom, Monkey, Paisley, and ZappaMom, and the others who chose to remain nameless. You guys all rock so much, and appreciate your moral and monetary support.

(Not that I don't appreciate the folks who weren't able to pledge, but sent along kind words of support. Big hugs to you guys too. It really means a lot to me.)

Zappagirl just broke out the digital camera. Oh no. Am I really awake enough for photos? (When we finally start posting pictures, they'll be available for your perusal here. I'll try to add it to the sidebar for easier access, if Blogger will cooperate and let me edit my template.

Keep your fingers crossed. I'm goin' in....

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