Saturday, July 27, 2002

Pictures of the kitties are en route to Timmy as we speak. I need to think of something nice to do for him in return for all of his help with getting our pictures out there.

Zappagirl just got an email from Flounder, her former supervisor. He's been following us for much of the day, and had remarked that my posts were a bit longer than hers have been. Obviously the man hasn't read the posts I usually write.

Posting in short bursts has been a challenge, since I usually blather on and on for 1500 - 2000 words per post on a single topic. I'm looking upon this as another writing exercise, stretching muscles that I don't usually use. I sometimes have a hard time expressing my thoughts in a brief and succinct manner. As I once explained to a friend, it's why I prefer message boards to chat rooms. I want to allow myself time to think through what I'm writing, and make sure that I cover all the points that need to be included. On average, it takes me two hours to write, edit, and post an entry. Today I don't have that luxury.

A while back Rosencrantz had a writer's group that met monthly at her house, and we did a few writing games to get our brains working. One of them was picking three words at random out of the dictionary and writing a short poem using those words. We had five or ten minutes to complete each exercise. (We even tried haiku a few times.) It was difficult, but we actually got a few sensible verses out of it.

Hmm... I wonder where Zappagirl's dictionary is. That could keep me busy if I get stuck on what to write next.

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