Saturday, July 27, 2002

Since Zappagirl and I had a short burst of energy for a minute or two, we took advantage of it and straightened up the computer room. It's amazing how much of a mess we'd made sitting here for 14 hours doing nothing except posting.

After we finish this post, we're going to take a few more pictures, then start the girly stuff. Really. This time I mean it. We're still contemplating taking pictures of ourselves with the funky green masks on our faces. Yes, after all this time of hiding behind my alias, I'm thinking about posting a picture of myself looking as unattractive as possible. Maybe I'll actually post a picture where I look presentable to balance it out.

And we'll also be posting pictures of my cats, who are back at my house, probably trashing the joint. Yeah, I know. Just what the internet needs - more cat pictures. But my kitties are the closest I'll ever get to having kids, and they're awfully sweet.

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