Saturday, July 27, 2002

Have I mentioned the fact that we ordered the official Blogathon mugs? They arrived yesterday, and I am currently sipping a steaming cup of French Vanilla Cream (black) out of mine. Yep, we're big geeks.

I think it's kind of funny that there are actually people panicking about staying awake for the entire ordeal. I've done fifty-six hours in one stretch. Granted, I didn't enjoy that very much.

I just realized I forgot to bring my knitting. Oh well. As long as I refrain from logging into Pogo, all should be well. It's tempting, but I just know I'll get caught up in a game of Poppit or Sweet Tooth and miss my posting deadline.

Still, that's why I brought my kitchen timer with me, isn't it? A Tweety Bird kitchen timer, no less. My entire kitchen is decorated with Warner Brothers housewares. Not that I planned it that way, but I used to get a heckuva great discount when I worked there. And when they did the coffee house line, I was a goner.

I cannot believe I'm blathering like an idiot about my kitchen decor. Must find a more interesting topic to talk about in the next thirty minutes.

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