Saturday, July 27, 2002

Ow, my head.

I should know better than go out the night before I have to be up for a 24 hour period. But still I went to the employee picnic and had many beers, then went to Daniel's Pub and had more beers with a few co-workers. The Rolling Rock that was purchased for me kept reproducing itself, and Zappagirl and I monopolized the jukebox.

And here it is, the next morning, I've already got one cup of coffee and a Diet Coke in my system, and I've got a lingering headache that won't go away. Plus I probably smell funny, since I woke up too late to shower, and I don't remember where I left the bag o' scooped cat poo when I stopped by to check on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's kitties. Certainly not in the trash where it belongs. Welcome home, guys! Hope you had a good time! Here's a bag of cat doots!

This is not an auspicious beginning. I think I'm going to go take a shower and have more coffee....

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