Sunday, July 28, 2002

And I can see by the checkered flag that this year's Blogathon is officially over.

We did it. We survived. It was a lot of fun, but I'm really glad that this only happens once a year. My brain hurts.

It didn't go as well as planned, but I think we did pretty good for rookies. Next year, we'll know what to expect.

Sometime in the next few days, I'll go back and change some of my settings and sidebar information so my site will be easier to deal with once I get back to my regular infrequent posting. I'll probably consolidate all of the photo links into one big post so the sidebar won't be so godawful lengthy. But for now, I'll leave it as it is.

The webring graphic will be staying, so everyone (including me) can check out other participating sites at their leisure. Like Zappagirl remarked earlier, it's a badge of honor, and I'm proud to be able to display it on my site.

Big humongous thanks to all of the participants, sponsors, and random folks who wandered over to my tiny corner of the 'net. Let's all do this again sometime, mmmkay?

Must go now. I've got an appointment with the bed in the other room, just as soon as the Tylenol PM kicks in.

Sleep. What a wonderful word. Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep.

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