True Confessions
And now, to lighten things up after last night's post...
I get a lot of junk email. Jokes that have been forwarded halfway around the planet, offers for free voicemail and wireless phones, political newsbites, a few petitions (that turned out to be hoaxes), and more than my fair share of chain mail. You know, the ones that end with “forward this to ten people or else.” Usually, if you follow the directions, you’ll be blessed with incredible good fortune, or your most heartfelt wish will come true.
I read them, chuckle to myself, and delete them. I don’t usually pass them along, unless I know someone who specifically would appreciate that email. And the whole chain mail thing just bugs me.
A couple of months ago, I got an email from one of my friends with an attached survey that you were supposed to reply to, and pass along to ten people, including the person who origianlly sent it to you. Nothing catastrophic would happen if you deleted it. It was just an opportunity to find out how well you knew your friends.
I answered this one and passed it on. It circulated around my office for the entire afternoon, and we all got a good laugh about each other's answers.
I got a similar one today, and rather than bombarding everyone I know with more email, I decided to adapt it into today's entry. I'd like to know who's reading my ramblings, and what goes on in their heads. Oh yeah, and I'm feeling lazy because it's Buffy night and I don't want to spend two hours getting involved in some long drawn-out tirade.
So email me with your responses to these questions...I'll even include my answers so you can all have a good laugh. If I choose to reveal anyone's answers, I will of course check if it's OK with you. (Don't worry, these are not difficult or humiliating questions.)
Here we go!
1. Your name (if you go by a pseudonym, you can use that)?
2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?
3. Hair color?
brown by nature, red by L'oreal. Cardinal, to be more specific.
4. Current city of residence?
5. Favorite food?
Anything that isn't nailed down. Pizza, probably.
6. Favorite restaurant?
Kaldi's or Inn the Wood, neither of which serve pizza. Or Uno's, which does.
7. Favorite salad dressing?
Creamy pesto at Old Spaghetti Factory (R.I.P.)
8. Favorite type of ice cream?
Ben & Jerry's From Russia with Buzz
9. Favorite snack food?
Blue corn chips and salsa with sour cream
10. Favorite drink (non-alcoholic)?
Duh. Coffee. Or Diet Coke.
11. Favorite alcoholic drink?
Bass Ale or Absolut Mandarin and Tonic.
12. What word or phrase do you overuse?
"Dude" or "Is there more coffee?"
13. Favorite smell?
My mom's home cooking...I'm so cheesy.
14. Favorite day of the week?
15. Favorite movie?
Like I can choose. Ummm...let's just say Clerks.
16. Favorite TV show?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, ER, Will and Grace, South Park, The Powerpuff Girls
17. Favorite song of the moment?
"Touched" (VAST), "Best Imitation of Myself" (Ben Folds Five), "Bottle Up and Explode!" (Elliott Smith).
18. Favorite holiday?
19. Favorite flower?
20. Favorite board game?
Trivial Pursuit. Have I mentioned lately what a big geek I am?
21. Last book read?
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (J.K. Rowling), Glamorama (Bret Easton Ellis)
22. Have you ever been in a car crash?
Yep. My poor little Escort accordianed. I wasn't driving though.
23. Least favorite subject in school?
24. Favorite quote from a movie?
"I'm not even supposed to be here today!" (Clerks) or "I want my two dollars!" (Better Off Dead)
25. Have you ever been in love?
I think that's a definite yes. I'm no stranger to heartbreak.
26. How many times did you fail your driver's license test?
Once. I crossed over the double yellow line pulling out of the parking lot. Game over.
27. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Other than speeding and parking tickets, they haven't caught me yet....
28. Favorite sport?
None, but I have been known to watch football (Go Pack!) and hockey. And wrestling for a giggle.
29. What store could you max out your credit card at without thinking?
Media Play or Best Buy
30. Morning person or a night person?
No question about it. Night person.
31. Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise, probably because I see them less frequently.
32. When you put the toilet paper on the roll, is it over or under?
You're assuming it actually gets put on the roll....
33. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
If it's in front of me, I've probably finished off whatever was in it. More, please.
34. What do you do most often when you are bored?
Read, watch TV, call someone and complain about it.
35. Person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away from you?
Vahn or Larry
36. What time do you usually go to bed?
Whenever my body stops moving.
37. Thing that annoys you most?
People that suck.
38. The best thing in life?
Waking up and realizing you have absolutley nothing to do all day.
39. Guilty pleasure/dirty little secret?
I'm an avid Felicity watcher. At least it's not Dawson's Creek.
40. Funniest/weirdest/most interesting website you've stumbled across?
MightyBigTV, Tomato Nation...actually, most of the sites listed on Damn Hell Ass Kings are worth a look. Or if you think your name is too humdrum, get a new one at the Glam Name Generator. (Incidentally, my glam name is Nova Sugartwist. Cool.)
OK, your turn. Have fun!
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