Thursday, November 09, 2000

Enough, Already!

Day two of Fun in Florida: A Nation in Crisis. Advantage, Bush. By 225 votes. Two counties not reporting. Oh yeah, and all the absentee ballots from the military folks overseas. All we did at work today was watch the numbers change and announce them to anyone who would listen.

Oh, the migration to Canada is cancelled until further notice. Heard from a resident (welcome, William!) that the situation isn't much better up there. Any other suggestions, gang?

I'm kind of at a loss for words. I've got lots of subjects that I could rant about from my little virtual soapbox, but I've got a lengthy list of typos that I need to go back and correct. And a link or two that I forgot to add to the sidebar. (This is what I did for the first hour at Warehouse last night: sit at the bar, drink way too much coffee, and proofread my archived entries. Hello, my name is myopic, and I'm a big loser.) That, and I've been reading Squishy archives for about an hour straight, and I'm feeling kinda inferior. Oh well, something to aspire to, I suppose.

Roger Mexico gave me a ride home from the club last night, and I spent the next two hours or so listening to him compose. I know it sounds crazy, but one of my favorite things to do is watch him work. (Watch? Listen? It's a bit of both, but it's mostly an aural experience.) He adjusts settings on a bunch of keyboards and mixing boards and the computer, and I sit on the couch and smoke and see where his latest project takes me. Last night's work in progress was a trip to Uneasyville. He mixed this scraping sound under the rhythm tracks, and it was like someone was running their fingers down a chalkboard inside my head, but in a good way.

That made absolutely no sense.

I can't describe it. "Terrible beauty" was the phrase I kept using last night. If you'd been there, you'd understand. Part of my brain was reaching sonic overload and was screaming for him to stop and turn on the TV or something, but the other part was terrified that he would stop, and the twitchy-in-a-good-way feeling in my mind would go away forever. Audio paradox.

Time to go clean up my mistakes. No post tomorrow (probably); I'm taking a vacation day, and will be attending to my ailing car. Hooray for three day weekends!

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