Monday, January 14, 2008

2008: The Year of Living Selfishly

I'm not one for making New Years resolutions. It's always been my experience that tossing out empty phrases like "I'm going to lose weight" or "I'm going to quit smoking" at the stroke of midnight (usually under the influence of a few glasses of wine) has little or no effect on changing my behavior. Sure, I might do fine for a week or two, but by the end of the month I screw up and find myself staring at a very full ashtray and an empty pint of Ben and Jerry's.

Over the last few weeks, I've spent some time thinking things over. I've looked at the way I currently conduct my life, the things that make me happy, the things that upset and disappoint me. I've thought about past goals and successes as well as downfalls, about my personal choices and outside influences, evaluating where I could change or make improvements.

There's been a lot to think about. I've found things that I downright hate about myself. There are parts of my life that have been neglected (some to the point of stagnation) due to someone else or sheer procrastination. There have been events and occurences that have given me a metaphysical smack upside the head and pointed out things that need to change RIGHT NOW.

I've reached a conclusion: it's time to get selfish. As much as I joke about it, this year it really is all about me.

I know how self-centered that sounds, but I don't mean it in that way. I think it's high time that I started taking my own physical / mental / emotional well-being into account when I make decisions.

Some of the changes I need to make are minor and superficial. Some of them are bigger projects that will require quite a bit of rethinking as well as some major changes in my life.

I'm still thinking through the actual details. I've set aside the time between January 1st and the Chinese New Year (February 7th) to put things together. I'll share some of my decisions here, but some of them I will most likely keep to myself. (Sorry about being cryptic, but for various reasons there are some things that I can't share.)

More details as things develop. You have been warned.


Anonymous said...

A little selfishness is a good thing. People love you because you are happy. If you are not happy, they will know it.

Anonymous said...

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This is a fantastic opportunity for unpublished writers but it's critical that you register now so that your novel has the best chance of being published in April.

All you need to do now is email your Chapter 1 (as a file attachment) to Please include your full contact details (name, email address & telephone number) so that we can email/call you back.

We look forward to hearing from you - and to being the publisher that publishes your first novel!

Kind regards,

Julia Heron
Pulse Books
Catcher Limited