Friday, June 15, 2001

A Full Calendar

I'm going to have to be brief here. I'm off to meet up with Roger Mexico for a few hours while he's in town. And when I say a few hours, I'm not kidding. Because of the schedules of the friends that he's staying with, as well as the friend who's watching his cats, his curfew is much earlier than usual tonight. He'll be picking the cats up tomorrow morning before 7 am, then will be off to PA.

I'm not as sad as I thought I would be. Yes, I wish our time together could be longer, and I wish he wasn't leaving, but right now I'm just so excited that I get to see him that none of that matters. I'll save the moping for tomorrow.

Not much else is new around here, but the next week or so is jam-packed. I've got a family reunion-type thing to go to on Sunday, which will be good because I haven't seen most of that side of my family since February.

JohnnyB moves back to town on Thursday. I offered my services to help unload the moving van, but he thinks they'll be done by the time I'm finished with work. Yeah, right. He's deluded. Oh well.

On Saturday (the 23rd), I'm off to Dayton for a book signing. Neil Gaiman has a new book coming out on the 19th, and is doing a reading and signing tour in support of it. (He's also keeping an online journal about the publishing process. On Blogger, no less. I highly urge everyone to check it out. I'll be writing about it more in-depth in a later entry.) Since I missed the stop he made for Stardust two years ago, I'm looking very forward to this. (I've been reading his stuff since an ex of mine got me into his Sandman comics 11 years ago. Dan, wherever you are, thank you. I owe you a beer or something.) Somewhere over the next week, I need to go through all of the books I have that he wrote and decide what I'm taking with me, call the bookstore and find out if they're giving out line numbers, and try to think of something clever to say when I get to the signing table. I don't see that last one happening. I'll either choke out a shy "Um, I really like your stuff" or start babbling at him like an idiot about how long I've been reading his work, and how excited I am that Terry Gilliam is working on Good Omens and blah blah blibbety blah. And this poor guy's going to look at me and think, "Why do I get all the idiot fans? Why?"

Paisley's coming up from New Orleans for a visit sometime next week as well. I see a cookout in the near future....

Rosencrantz is teaching a dance class at the Wellness Center next week as well. Not a conventional dance class, mind you. Basically it's a class on spontaneous movement. It may end up just being all of her friends taking the class, but who cares? It's going to be fun. Not that I have a clue how to dance to Balinese music or Miles Davis (two of the musical selections that she was contemplating using). I suppose I'll figure it out when the time comes. I guess that's why it's called spontaneous movement.

Not to mention that I still have to start shopping for camping gear for my vacation. Sleeping bags, non-perishable food, outdoor eating utensils. It's not a big deal, but I really need to get on the stick here.

Oh yes, and I have to cat-sit for Zappagirl while she and Timmy are visiting with her parents. A week in suburbia, with the garage and the computer and the entertainment center and a kitchen bigger than my bedroom. Yeah, my life is really tough.

How can I have so much on my schedule, and still feel like I have nothing to do?

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