Wednesday, May 09, 2001

Chaos Reigns Supreme!

Is it Wednesday already? I had every intention to update before today, but things have been a little crazy around here lately.

First off, I got back from my weekend at JohnnyB's early Monday morning. I've found I focus better on the drive home if I've slept prior to departure, which unfortunately entails me getting up at 3:30 or 4:00 in the morning to pack up the car and drive home. Not a huge deal, but when the batteries in my boombox started dying before I reached the expressway...fortunately there was enough juice left in the batteries to play cassettes all the way home. Unfortunately the musical selections got a bit frightening; I wound up listening to a mix tape I made in 1988 of the most depressing songs in the known universe. Lots of Smiths and Depeche Mode songs. After listening to that tape, it's a wonder I made it through the 1980s alive. (When the last song on the tape is entitled "Unloveable"...well, you get the point.)

The other tape I found turned out to be a mix tape of local bands (most of whom no longer exist), which made me happy since my cassette of Vahn's short-lived band, Darius Pogue, went missing when my car was broken into a year and a half ago, and the songs I'd liked off the EP were included on my compilation (as well as a few songs by Guildenstern's old band, Speakboy). I sang all the way home, and headed off to work.

I decided not to stay late to post Monday night since the grand jury findings on the Thomas shooting were to be announced at the same time that I got off work, and there was no telling what might happen if things didn't go well. The jury decided to indict Officer Roach of negligent homicide and obstructing official business, two misdemeanors that could result in 9 months in jail if convicted. The city prepared for the worst, boarding up windows downtown and placing Ohio Highway Patrol and Hamilton County deputies on standby. There were a few peaceful protests, but nothing of any consequence happened. I ended up passing out on the couch before 10:00.

Tuesday was Buffy and Angel, and I went over to Zappagirl's to watch them. I had every intention of posting after that, but we started watching MadMatt stopped in with a friend, and we ended up watching Toy Story 2 on the DVD. The post again failed to happen.

Add to this the fact that my sister's baby is due on Sunday (yes, Mother's Day...isn't that sweet?) so I'm surgically attached to my cel phone and you've got a few hectic days.

The latest insanity happened this afternoon. I went to pull up the Full Contact Poetry site-in-progress and found that it had unceremoniously been deleted for no apparent reason. The vague message I received when i tried to log on stated that I had violated my terms of service via one of the following: a) spam, b) pornography, or c) remote loading, none of which happened. It was a publicity site for a poetry group, folks. It wasn't online. It consisted of a skeletal home page and 12 photos and fliers to be placed later this week. And to make matters worse, this message blocked me from logging into my personal site in progress. I sent an email to the host company, but seeing as how I'm still waiting to hear from their support team regarding a question I asked over two weeks ago, I'm not holding my breath. So, I'm back to shopping for a new free site.

Tripod sucks. I'm just sayin'. Lycos will never again get my business. Not that they were going to make any money from my sites, but if this is how they treat their new members, it's a wonder they have any old members.

So, yeah, I'm a little bitter, but I hadn't really finished all that much on the site. Not much was lost. Once I find a new home for us, it's just a matter of typing in the bios and pertinent information and uploading the pictures again. It probably won't be up by the show at Sudsy's on the 25th, but I promise it will be soon.

OK, enough of this. Given the Tripod debacle, I'm highly considering going out tonight with Rosencrantz (who is graduating from NKU this weekend!) to work out some aggression on the dance floor. I've also heard tell that an old friend of mine is back in town, and has been turning up at the Warehouse and Vertigo. With all luck, I'll be able to catch up with him.

And then, of course, there's karaoke tomorrow night. Zappagirl and I didn't make it last week, and we need to make it up to Nash. Time to figure out what to sing....

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