Tuesday, September 19, 2000

...check...one, two, one, two...hey, is this thing on?

Ok, so after a lot of cursing last night, I think I'm finally up and running. This is my first time doing anything like this. Be patient, be gentle.

So what do I hope to accomplish with this weblog? Ummm...I've been trying to get myself trained to write on a semi-regular basis, but I'm a professional procrastinator. Maybe if I have an actual project I'll be more apt to stick to it. (Yeah right...don't be surprised if I post faithfully everyday for about a week or so, and then disappear into the ozone. Did I mention the fact that I have no mental discipline?)

Admittedly, I'm writing this mostly for myself, but I'm sure people will eventually stumble across my ramblings. When I feel comfortable enough with writing here, I'm sure I will tell everyone I meet to come check it out as well.

About me: I'm a thirty-something tortured artist (but aren't they all?) masquerading as a corporate clone. Single white female, attempting to live the somewhat enlightened and liberal lifestyle in the most uptight city in the known universe. I fancy myself to be a poet, and actually have subjected the public to my verse on more than one occasion, and have recently started preparing to undertake that elusive project known as The Great American Novel. So far it's a big pile of notes written on paper ripped from eighteen billion different spiral notebooks. But I guess we all gotta start somewhere.

I'm an entertainment junkie. Music, movies, TV, theater, books...Media Play loves me. I have a brain full of useless trivia where important knowledge should be. I'm a technological moron, so let me once again re-emphasize the "be patient with me" thing. I'm learning as I go, and decided to take the plunge on this venture at the urging of an old friend of mine.

So what will I be writing about? What goes on in my life, I guess. My crappy job (in a field I know next to nothing about). My friends. My cat (who is actually a minion of Hell). My love life (or lack thereof). Interesting things of note going on where I live. Things that piss me off. My writer's block. Possibly working parts of the novel-in-progess. My angry white girl poetry. In other words, whatever crosses the few brain cells that are still working in my head. And I'll just go from there.

And a word of explanation about the title...it was actually the working title for my first collection of poetry, but I decided to go with "Whining in Meter and Verse" instead. I'm a caffeine junkie, and I have the tendency to be bitter at times. And sometimes my Reality is not what others perceive it to be. So double play on the "Acid" part...I'm so clever. Not.

Enough of this intro crap. I'll start off with a combination of a rant and my bad poetry...

I have come to the conclusion that Magnetic Poetry is evil. Pure unadulterated evil that sticks to your fridge. Sure, it's fun at first, but then...I was house-sitting for a friend this past week, and she encourages anyone who visits to compose something. I had written a line or two on Tuesday, but got distracted by something. Then on Sunday, I went to get something out of the freezer for lunch and got sucked in. One hour later, I was still standing in front of the refrigerator, starving and had this to show for it:

I listen to the shadow symphony of your heart
A dark winter ache
I want to sleep in wild eternity
Sing delicious drunk poetry in the porcelain night
Rob the void of its prisoner
And give you the music of a translucent blue morning
Surround me with desire
Take in my brilliant spring light
Dazzle and pierce the blind vision
And linger not in the madness of the storm
We could dance
And fall in the deep languid peace of our warm skin together
Speak to me
Love me
And make me picture
The sacred delirious moment
Of always

Damn you, Dave Kapell. Damn you and your little money making invention. Almost everyone I know has these teeny tiny little words all over their fridges, and I always end up standing there for way too long, looking for just the right word to complete my thought. I know I looked for "eternity" for a good ten minutes. Maybe one of the cats ate it.

And all I wanted was a sandwich....

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