Thursday, April 19, 2001


Sometimes I'm not as smart as I think I am.

When I started writing this journal, I knew absolutely nothing about computers or HTML or web design. Heck, I was happy that I could get where I wanted to go on the internet. The idea of actually creating something and putting it out there was about as realistic as winning the lottery.

And now eight months later, I've picked up a little bit of knowledge. I've worked through my fears of unleashing my thoughts upon complete strangers, experimented with adding links and spiffing up my writing with the few tags I've picked up from Webmonkey. I've opened myself up to feedback from my readers, and have received a lot of encouragement from family and friends, as well as those who have stumbled upon my site by chance. Between the positive feedback and checking out other people's sites on the 'net, I've started to feel a bit smug at times. I've thought about what I want to do with my website, and realized that to create the version I see in my head, I'll have to move to another locale. Blogspot has served its purpose well, but I want to put my links and archives somewhere besides the sidebar for the sake of neatness and easier navigation.

I've been asking other friends with websites about their experiences with the free webhosting services out there, and after a bit of research I decided to bite the bullet and start designing a new site through one I'd heard good things about. They offered a designing tool that was touted as perfect for beginners, so I jumped in with both feet and started creating pages like a woman possessed.

And then...

Then I realized that their easy to use design tool was wonderful except for the fact that I have no idea how to transfer all of my archives over or how to set up the pages so my most recent posts will go to the correct page. I have no idea how to add links.

The problem is, the website I have in my head is too complex for this "great for beginners" tool. I have no idea how to get into the template and mess around with the code. I'm not even sure if it's possible. If I wanted to do a simple site, I'd be able to set it up in a matter of hours. But no! I have to want a site with search engines and sub-indexes and daily polls and other bright and shiny add-ons.

I feel like a moron. Any teenager with internet access can throw together an "I love Britney Spears" fan site, and I'm stuck on how to get one damn post from Blogger to show up.

Granted, I've only played around with setting up the new site for a couple of hours, but I got very frustrated when I knew that I could probably piece together the code if I could figure out how to get to the damn template, but using the oh-so-simple edit buttons left me completely clueless. I've sent out panic-stricken emails to the support departments, and hopefully they'll be able to tell me what I need to know.

Well, they'll answer my questions after they stop laughing at how stupid I am. Suddenly I'm not feeling as confident as I did.

I'm sure everything will turn out fine, and I'll have the new site up and running eventually. But until then, I guess I'll stick with my current and ever reliable home.

I love you, Blogspot.

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