Monday, October 03, 2005

The Top Five Reasons Why There's No MPMF Recap Yet

I see you out there, impatiently tapping your foot. "Where's the Midpoint Music Festival recap you promised us, Myo?"

(Yes, I know that no one is waited with bated breath for my musings on Midpoint. Yes, I know that I can count my readers on my fingers. Being delusional is fun sometimes!)

Anyway, I can explain...

5. I decided to restructure the recap. Rather than writing three separate daily blow-by-blow accounts, I decided to write one concise post. (Well, as concise as I am able to manage. If brevity is the soul of wit, I'm probably the most witless person ever.) As this involves condensing 40 pages of notes into a few thousand semi-clever words, it's a pretty formidable task and it may take some time.

4. I'm tired. The week of Midpoint was also one of my department's biggest educational special events, and it's one of the few times I actually get out of the office. So rather than taking phone calls in the office, I found myself standing outside the Gallery giving directions to Wolf Woods and the train station. I got to work the learning cart at Manatee Springs one day, which was nice since I'd not yet seen our new manatees. Of course, the area where I was stationed was actually around the corner from the manatees, so I only saw then as I walked past the tank when I reported for duty.

(Side note about Manatee Springs: If you're in the building for an extended period of time, the music will drive you insane. Take one soothing new-agey song that sounds like it was taken off the most generic meditation/relaxation CD ever. Make sure that it's about five minutes long, but consists of nothing more the same 10-second musical phrase repeated over and over with an tiny variation every once in a while. Add a slight calypso feel with some steel drums. Play the same song on an infinite loop. Trust me on this; two hours of listening to the Coral Reefer Band on Valium is more than enough.)

Running from venue to venue at Midpoint took a lot out of me as well. It got to the point that shows at Jekyll and Hydes became low priority because they involved climbing a lot of stairs. By Sunday morning, my back and leg muscles ran up the white flag, and I spent the entire day on the couch clutching a bottle of ibuprofen. I didn't even have the energy to remove the shrink wrap from the mountain of CDs I had bought/received at the shows.

3. I've been rearranging the furniture. My parents moved this past week into a new condo around the corner from the old place, and had extra furniture looking for a home. As I am the queen of hand-me-down furniture, I happily accepted their offer of a recliner couch and matching recliner chair and a queen-sized bed. Of course, this meant getting rid of the Scary 70s Sectional from Hell and moving the futon into the living room (where it would be used as a couch for the very first time), so the MyoParents came over Monday night and MyoMom helped me carry the sectional and my non-functioning TV to the curb for trash day. We also moved the futon into the living room so we wouldn't have to do it in the morning when the moving truck arrived, and I ran out to Target for a new vacuum (one that actually works - what a concept!) and curtains that would match the quilt for the new bed.

The movers were supposed to arrive around 10:00, after moving all of my parents stuff to the new place. They didn't arrive until 2:00, and had forgotten the bedframe. (The MyoParents brought it over Friday night and helped me assemble it.) As a result of all of this, my apartment actually looking like it has a grown-up living in it. I'm not sure who this grown-up is, but I hope she doesn't take up too much space.

2. I spent most of the weekend at Chez Zappa. Shortly after my parents left, I headed over to hang out with Zappagirl and Memnochlv. Much coffee, wine, and silliness ensued. Zappagirl had invited a few folks over the next afternoon for a knit-in, and against all better judgement I decided to give knitting yet another try. Mind you, I haven't completed a project since I made the socks for Roger Mexico. The bag? Done, felted, but no straps. The scarf I started a few years ago? Finished about five inches of it before I got frustrated and shoved it in a drawer. The mohair tam that Zappagirl wanted me to do as practice for reading a pattern. Never ever cast the yarn on the needles. But since I am the ultimate lemming, I bought three skeins of black and multi-colored variegated yarn, found a relatively easy pattern on the internet, and started making yet another scarf. If I actually manage to complete it before next winter, I have a pattern for a hat that I might attempt as well. (Given my motivation, attention span, patience, and manual dexterity... I don't recommend holding your breath on ever seeing this hat and scarf combo.)

1. Did I mention I was tired? As with all weekends spent hanging out with Zappagirl and Memnoch, sleep was not a high priority and I got very little of it over the weekend. When I realized that I was having problems counting to two while working on the scarf and kept making really stupid mistakes, I took it as a sign that I was too exhausted to do anything productive, and went home to watch Desperate Housewives. I managed to hold my eyes open, but I'm really not sure how much of it I actually comprehended.

And despite being über-tired, I still had trouble sleeping last night. The only reason why I'm actually conscious at the moment is the two large cups of coffee I've had this morning. I'm heading upstairs in a few minutes to make more, as I am supposed to go see Serenity tonight with Delorda and Yzavela, and it would probably be rude of me to snore during the movie.

So yeah, it's been a wacky week. Recap coming soon, I swear.

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