Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Where's Myo?

So I know what you're thinking... nice new layout, Myo. How about some new content to go with it?

I wish I could say that the reason why I haven't been posting is because I'm jetsetting around the world, so busy doing exciting things that I haven't had time to sit down and string a few sentences together. I wish I could say that I'm so deliriously happy with my life that I have nothing to rant about.

Boy, do I wish I could say that.

But, as usual, the truth of the matter is I'm a big lazy slacker who's too busy watching reruns of CSI and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit to come up with anything clever to say. Well, that and there are a few major Life issues I'm trying to deal with that I really can't talk about here, due to some of the unsavory details involved. (I am writing about them elsewhere in hopes of understanding what's going on in my head, but they're really not fit for public consumption. Trust me on this.)

So, yeah, I'm still here. I just don't have anything clever or witty to say or nothing of any import to rant about at the moment. Thanks to everyone for being so patient with me about this. And hopefully when I return, I will have figured out how to work my camera and will be able to post 857 million pictures of my cats!

Just what the internet needs... another crazy cat lady armed with a website and a digital camera.