Public Service Announcement
Yes, I'm on another unexpected hiatus. (Sorry about the lack of warning, for those of you who've been checking in.)
I'm in the middle of busy season at work, and have nothing witty or intelligent to say. My brain is stuck on a prerecorded script at the moment, which seems to consist of nothing more than "What is the name of your school?" and "When will you be attending the Zoo?" Well, except for "For the love of [insert deity of your choice here], I need a vacation!" Stress is my middle name.
Short update: time passed. Stuff happened. Some of it I can share. Some of it I don't know how to explain to the general public. I'm trying to work on the bad things, but it's definitely a work in progress.
For those of you who've been stopping by to see if I've posted since the Joe Millionaire debacle, I'm sorry for the delay. There's really nothing new and noteworthy to report at the moment. Hopefully I'll have something new and exciting to say soon. If you're really desperate to know the exact moment when I'm back (hahahahahahaha), email me; I'll be putting together an informal notify list of sorts.
Keep the faith, kids. If all goes well, I'll be home soon.